Ceili Costume

At first, dancers would just wear their best clothing, which was normally their church clothes. Now, dancers wear a variety of outfits for their performances and competitions. Females wear short, colorful dresses that have Celtic embroidery designs on them. In competition settings, females usually have there hair really curly as well. Males might wear trousers, button-down shirt, and sometimes a vest. Women wear soft shoes that are similar to ballet slippers and guys wear reel shoes that are similar to jazz shoes, depending on the dance they sometimes wear hard shoes similar to tap shoes.

Setting & Music


After the Columbian Exchange, schools, organizations, and clubs were created that helped preserve the culture of Irish dance. The dance was performed in large halls and theaters. Later on, Irish dance changed from being just performed to having competitions in the U.S. and Ireland. In the 1970's the Ceili dance was revived in the United State, increasing the number of people involved in Irish dance. Competitions were created for both Ceili and Set dances when Irish music was revived. This dance used to only be done for social gatherings and a way to have fun, now it is performed in formal, competition, and non-formal settings.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-WNbnDRWnY  (Irish Fair)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ss3MsAQRm9s  (Competition)


Most Ceili dances are danced to jigs and reels, others are danced to hornpipes. Ceili Bands provide music for this dance. The bands consist of instruments such as, accordion, fiddles, flutes, piano, concertina, banjo, and drums; they play traditional Irish music. Irish fiddle music and energetic dances contributed to American hillbilly and mountain dances, as well.

Types of Movement

Many American dances are based off of types of Irish dance. Fiddle music and energetic dances contributed to mountain music and hillbilly dance. The jig is a solo folk dance and has a combination of turns and kicks with repeated hops on one leg. It was often used in cultural programs. Ceili dances are the native group dances of Ireland. They can consist of groups with two couples and up to eight couples. There are different formations depending on the amount of couples there are in a group.There are formations in lines and circles. In a line, however many couples there are, they face each other; two people will stand across from each other with their partner next to them. Some are performed with a line of women facing a line of men and others are mixed or in circles. This dance is done with pointed toes and dancing up on the balls of the feet, not flat feet. In Ceili dances, the dancers have tall, straight posture and couples hold hands at a ninety-degree angle with elbows touching. In some Ceili dances, all the partners will hold hands. When only holding hands with one other person, the dancers other hand it placed at their side loosely with a closed fist. One step of Ceili dance is to promenade forward and backward for two counts, while holding hands with partner and facing another partnership. The females trade places diagonally and then the men do as well, They take right had of person across from them seven's out. After back in original spots, dancers cross hands with their partner and swing around in a circle. These steps repeat. 

History of Ceili Dance

The Statutes of Kilkenny, in 1366, prevented the Irish from performing any of their traditions, such as language, dance, and music. Dance declined for a while, but there were some determined people who danced in secret. From the late 17th century, dance and music became a source of entertainment when neighbors got together and danced for fun. Dancers moved into barns during the winter, which many priests said was sin and condemned the practice. This brought about the very first ceili, which was made possible for people to dance indoors. The Ceili is the present day name for versions of the Irish jig and reel.

Ceili dances declined when Set dances became popular, until 1893 when an organization called Conradh na Gaeilge wanted to have the Irish nation based only on Irish traditions. In order to keep up their traditions, they decided they had to get rid of English Set dances and bring back the Ceili. The first Ceili since it declined, was held in 1897 and after Ireland's foundation of state the Ceili became more popular and many associations began to promote ceili dance. A major showpiece for the Ceili was done at the Mansion House, while people ate their supper.

 From the 17th to the 19th century there were cultural exchanges of Irish dances and new dances were made by how African Americans interpreted Irish dance. Many dances have been created from the jig. Since before the famine generation, a group of Irish immigrants and descendants have kept up the traditional music, dance, and culture in America. The Columbian Exchange in 1893, provided the earliest public stage for traditional Irish dance in the United States.  In 1970’s the Ceili dance was revived in the United States, increasing the number of people involved in Irish dance. Competitions were created for both Ceili and Set dances when Irish music was revived.

Irish Ceili Dance

Every culture has their own way of entertainment and different social gatherings. In the past when there was no electricity and all everyone really did was work on their farms, they needed a source of entertainment. Something where they could mingle with friends at the end of the week. Dance was and still is a big way of entertainment and to meet up with friends in different cultures. Many people do not appreciate different cultures because the lack understanding. In order to better understand those cultures that differ from ours, we can learn about their language, religion, dance, and music because those are all big parts of culture. Dance and music have played a big role in the Irish culture, one specific dance is the Ceili dance. Throughout Irish history, the Ceili dance has evolved and influenced many people's lives as the used it for many purposes.