Types of Movement

Many American dances are based off of types of Irish dance. Fiddle music and energetic dances contributed to mountain music and hillbilly dance. The jig is a solo folk dance and has a combination of turns and kicks with repeated hops on one leg. It was often used in cultural programs. Ceili dances are the native group dances of Ireland. They can consist of groups with two couples and up to eight couples. There are different formations depending on the amount of couples there are in a group.There are formations in lines and circles. In a line, however many couples there are, they face each other; two people will stand across from each other with their partner next to them. Some are performed with a line of women facing a line of men and others are mixed or in circles. This dance is done with pointed toes and dancing up on the balls of the feet, not flat feet. In Ceili dances, the dancers have tall, straight posture and couples hold hands at a ninety-degree angle with elbows touching. In some Ceili dances, all the partners will hold hands. When only holding hands with one other person, the dancers other hand it placed at their side loosely with a closed fist. One step of Ceili dance is to promenade forward and backward for two counts, while holding hands with partner and facing another partnership. The females trade places diagonally and then the men do as well, They take right had of person across from them seven's out. After back in original spots, dancers cross hands with their partner and swing around in a circle. These steps repeat. 

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